※Appointment availability is updated from time to time on Instagram. → ★★★★
【'I'o Nani Day Spa Special Deal】
●Lipo Body Contouring & Detox Massage 120 minutes
Regular price $250 per session
●5 Times Ticket $1,250⇨30%OFF $875($175 per)
●10 Times Ticket $2,500⇨36%OFF $1,600($160 per)
※Ask us for detail!
Alana Waikiki Business Center 6F
Monday~Friday 9:00~16:00
Saturday 10:00~13:00
Sunday Please ask us!
※By appointment-only
Hawaii 808-294-3209
Email: info@ionani.com
※Ask us Kama'aina rate!
Our most popular treatment!!!! 【For Women-only】
★Lipo Body Contouring & Detox Massage 120 minutes $250
5 Times Ticket $1,250⇒30%OFF $875 ($175 per) 【Valid for 1 year】
We recommend this treatment for who wants to eliminating toxins and revitalizing your body. It's included Detox & Glow Facial Massage.
The Lipo Body Contouring & Detox treatment effectively combines several massage modalities including lymphatic drainage and deep tissue massage that helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the full-body.
A program of monthly or bi-monthly maintenance treatments will help you retain your results.
Many Lipo Body Contouring & Detox Massage clients repeat their program annually.
【Effect of....】
●Reduces the appearance of resistant cellulite.
●Body detox.
●Promotion of blood circulation.
●Improvement of metabolism.
●Size down on body outline.
●Improve the swelling of the body.
【Session Flow】
measure (※Only for a person who wants.)
Lymphatic Drainage massage 20 mins.
(with warming up on heat mat)
Lipo Body contouring massage 70 mins.
Detox & Glow Facial 20 mins.
(with warming up on heat mat)
measure (※Only for a person who wants.)
★Deluxe Lipo Body Contour & Detox Massage 130 minutes $350
【For Women-only】
3 Times Ticket $1,050⇒20%OFF $840
($280 per)【Valid for 1 year】
This treatment reccomended for who wants to eliminating toxins and size down with our specialized, highly effective, slimming treatments. It's included Detox & Glow Facial Massage. We use the perspiration gel and the cellulite cream abundantly included in only a deluxe course.
【Session Flow】
measure (※Only for a person who wants.)
Lymphatic Drainage massage 20 mins.
(with warming up on heat mat)
Lipo Body contouring massage 70 mins.
(with perspiration gel and the cellulite cream)
Detox & Glow Facial 20 mins.
(with warming up on heat mat)
Facial Mask 10 mins.
measure (※Only for a person who wants.)
★Guasha Body Contouring & Detox Massage 120 minutes $280 【For Women-only】
5 Times Ticket $1,400⇒30%OFF $980 ($196 per) 【Valid for 1 year】
We recommend this treatment for who wants to eliminating toxins and revitalizing your body. It's included Detox & Glow Facial Massage.
Our most popular treatment ''Lipo Body Contouring & Detox massage'' effectively combines several massage modalities including lymphatic drainage and deep tissue massage that helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the full-body.
Guasha Body Contouring & Detox Massage is Ayako Murase's Original technique combines ''Lipo Body Contouring & Detox Massage'' and ''Guasha'' the folk remedy using Guasha plates which has been performed in China for 2,500 years.
★Lomilomi Body Contouring Massage 90 minutes $200
5 Times Ticket $1,000⇒20%OFF $800 ($160 per) 【Valid for 1 year】
If you are interested in our signature treatment ''Body Contouring & Detox Massage'' and also Lomilomi Massage, we recommend this treatment. This is completely our original treatment utilizes lomilomi massage technique and Lipo Body Contouring massage technique.
Our Recommendation!
★Deep Lomilomi Massage 120 minutes $200
5 Times Ticket $1,000⇒20%OFF $800 ($160 per)【Valid for 1 year】
Lomilomi is a massage that has been originally used as one of the Hawaiian treatment. In order to bring it back to a balanced body, we will
approach the muscle tissue and improve the flexibility of the muscles by carefully solving the tension and stiffness of the muscles. The fascia release also makes the fascia
We would like you to try by all means to those who are suffering from back pain and stiff shoulder.
★Lomilomi Massage
60 minutes $100 / 90 minutes $145
Lomilomi is the Hawaiian traditional healing massage utilizes the forearm, hands, and elbows providing long kneading strokes over the muscles for maximum relaxation.
Our Hawaiian Lomi Lomi practitioners have trained with kumu (teachers).
★Deep Tissue Massage
60 minutes $100 / 90 minutes $145
Deep-tissue massage is a specific type of massage therapy that concentrates on the deep layers of muscle and fascia in the body.
★Lomilomi Massage 60 minutes
& Lomilomi Facial 30 minutes $160
★Lomilomi Massage 90 minutes
& Lomilomi Facial 30 minutes $200
★Detox & Glow Facial Treatment 80 minutes $120